Monday 24 February 2014

Ah’Peelin Feelings Playback Theatre Company

The talent in Trinidad and Tobago is so wide and diverse so when a friend of mine told me about her involvement in "Ah’Peelin Feelings Playback Theatre Company" I knew I had to feature them on my blog. 

The Ah’Peelin Feelings Playback Theatre Company was founded in August, 2010 by Michailean Taylor. Seemingly Caribbean, the name Ah’Peelin Feelings, demonstrates an effective ambiguity. Actors use various forms of Playback Theatre to ‘peel’ each emotion away to show the veracity of each situation, given by the audience. The name also expresses and evokes a spectrum of sentiments that enmesh the teller; each time a piece of themselves is interpreted by the actors (appeals to the teller). The group, diversified through the contributions and perspectives of its members, is geared towards creating and developing a forum for openness. Using playback, the group aims for individual and communal growth through shared experiences.

In a Playback Theatre performance, audience members tell stories about their lives, memories, dreams, tragedies and farces- and a team of actors improvises theatre pieces on the spot. First developed in 1975 in upstate New York, Playback Theatre is now practiced around the world, in theatres, schools, psychiatric hospitals, prisons, private business- anywhere there are people with stories to tell.
Founder - Michailean Taylor 


  1. Great highlight. I wish you could have posted a bit of video of the group in action.

    What's also missing in this post is a link to the group's website or social media page, and an attribution for the text you have in italics.

    1. They did not have any form of video available.
